School For Evangelism

Do you want to get powerful tools to evangelize? And to share with other enthusiastic Christians the message of Jesus with the talents and gifts that God has given you? Then register for free for the School For Evangelism below. The school takes place in Amsterdam and is taught bilingually (Dutch-English). We offer 6 modules that will fully equip you to evangelize. Read more below.

1/2 jaar, 6 blokken, iedere maand 1 blok

Biblical evangelism: Notion, urgency, relevance and context.

Identifying and using your gifts and talents.

Evangelism together with the Holy Spirit.

Effective communication: Testimony and Evangelism

Evangelism as a lifestyle

Evangelism forms and means

Why following the FlowRisen School For Evangelism (S4E)?

Experienced teachers

and practice

Free Participation

Accessible for every level and Christian background

Experiencing more of God in your daily life

Meet great fellow-Christians



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